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[Inventory] 2015 construction industry trickle Memorabilia

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-03-02   點(diǎn)擊率:2478

In 2015 the construction industry can be regarded as "troubled times" of the year, let us look at what this year's construction industry experienced a kind of suffering and happiness.


1. "Green Building Evaluation Standard" purposes
January 1, the new "Green Building Evaluation Standard" official purposes. Green Building with green decoration, unstoppable wave of green again become the focus of architectural decoration industry, and is constantly given new meaning.
February 28, the documentary "under the dome" caused deep public concern about the haze and pollution problems. With the history of the most stringent "environmental law" to promote the overall execution, use of green materials, green facilities to ensure that workers from the source, but also potentially enhance project quality standards building decoration industry. Currently, the state building energy conservation requirements continue to increase, create low-carbon towns, eco-homes, is becoming an important breakthrough point of urban transformation, as well as a new profit growth point of architectural decoration business.
2. "construction enterprise qualification regulations" promulgated
January 22, the Ministry of Housing released a new version of "construction enterprise qualification regulations", the biggest bright spot is the construction enterprise qualification approval decentralization.
"Opinions on Promoting the Construction Industry Development and Reform," has made it clear to decentralization, promoting decentralization of approval authority. Qualification decentralization means lowering the threshold for the industry, but the industry must increase supervision. Future responsibilities of each body will be divided more clearly the role of industry associations will ensure the safety of construction quality, ensure construction and orderly market competition and other aspects reflected. So, after the industry will become "four in one" (government departments, associations, businesses, practitioners) patterns, rather than individual responsibility by the enterprise.
3. "State new urbanization comprehensive pilot plan" issued
February 4, "National new urbanization comprehensive pilot plan" formally issued. The next day morning, A-share architectural blocks (according to the CSRC industry classification) almost across the board gains across the board.
In the background of the new town, with an annual capacity of construction and decoration industries incremental market will reach tens of thousands of yuan. Architectural decoration industry, market incremental housing, infrastructure and ancillary sector demand has become a decorative round urbanization construction peak keywords. It will be increasingly concerned about the quality of construction, the average cost of building decoration industry will gradually rise. New urbanization will inevitably lead to urban expansion, the influx of population, the demand for residential, commercial, office space greatly increased, decoration industry will create huge, ongoing incremental demand, but also encourage enterprises to better achieve the transformation and upgrading.

4.PPP project library released

May 25, the NDRC released the first batch of a total of 1043 projects PPP Recommend a total investment of 1.97 trillion yuan. Project covers several areas of water conservancy facilities, municipal facilities, transportation facilities, public services, resources and environment. In the same month, the State Council also issued "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the construction of high-speed broadband network to promote the network speed drop fee" to speed up the construction of high-speed broadband network, from 2015 to 2017, a total investment of not less than 1.1 trillion yuan.
5. "Construction Industry Modernization System of National Building Standard Design" published
June 1, China's first modern nation building construction industry standard design system to the public its first design portfolio, means that China's implementation of industrial buildings with national standard design system.
The system in accordance with the body, interior, exterior Construction of three parts, wherein the body portion includes a reinforced concrete structure, steel structure, steel - concrete hybrid structure, wooden structure, bamboo structure, built part of the interior wall surface including ceiling systems, pipeline integration, equipment and facilities whole parts like exterior portion includes a content plug-light containment system, built-in light containment system, curtain wall systems, roofing systems.
This system is mainly applied to civil construction. Fully assembled monolayer industrial buildings more than fifty of the relevant existing portfolio, has been used for many years, relatively complete system, it is not included in the present system. Other industrial building system can refer to the relevant content usage.

6. "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the building information model" Publishing
June 16, the Ministry of Housing issued "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the building information model," clearly put forward to promote BIM application development goals - by the end of 2020, the construction industry Class A survey and design units as well as premium, a housing construction construction companies should grasp and integrate applications BIM integration with enterprise management systems and other information technology. By the end of 2020, the following new project project survey and design, construction, operation and maintenance of the integrated application of BIM project rate of 90%: state-owned investment funds mainly medium-sized construction; declaration of public buildings and green building green ecological demonstration area.
7. AIIB formally signed, all the way along the catalytic investment themes
June 29, "Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Agreement" signing ceremony held in Beijing. AIIB 57 founding members of intent or authorized representatives of finance ministers attended the signing ceremony. Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei as the authorized representative of China signed the "Agreement" and gave a speech at the ceremony.
Under the agreement, each share capital subscribed by the founding members of the existing AIIB calculation, China voting rights 26.06% of total voting rights. According to the decision-making mechanism, China has on major matters requiring supermajority approval of a veto, including the election of governors, to increase capital, amend the Agreement, reduced investment proportion within the like.
According to railway planning various countries and regions worldwide, 2020, total investment in the world railway more than 15 trillion yuan, an average annual amount of investment will be more than 3 trillion yuan. By 2020, the world's high-speed railway mileage will total more than 50,000 km, next seven years, the new mileage will reach 30,000 km or more, the resulting high-speed direct investment more than 6.7 trillion yuan. With the Sino-Thai railway, the old railway successive landing, "Trans-Asian Railway" has entered the narrow sense of the actual start-up phase, starting from Kunming, the end arrival in Singapore, China is expected to gain market share, or more than 300 billion yuan.
8. "About actively promote the" Internet + "guidance action" issued
July 4, the State Council officially issued "on actively promoting the" Internet + "guidance action" as a representative of traditional industries, the construction industry has opened the "Internet +" a new journey. "Opinions", and the Internet to promote ecological civilization construction depth integration, improve pollutant monitoring and information dissemination system, covering the main elements of the ecological carrying capacity of resources and environment dynamic monitoring network, to achieve ecological data interoperability and open sharing environment. Give full play to the role of the Internet platform in reverse logistics system, and promote the use of renewable resources and convenient, interactive, transparent, and promote the production of green lifestyle. "Green" has become the industry standard architecture, the idea of the former Ministry of Housing and Deputy Minister Qiu Baoxing, the play a great role in promoting the development of the Internet will be green buildings.
9. "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Urban Underground Pipe Gallery" Publishing
August 10, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Urban Underground Pipe Gallery's" pointed out that the principles of various types of pipelines within the urban planning area shall be laid in the underground space. Built-up area of underground utility tunnel, and all lines into the region must Gallery. The next three to five years, is expected to produce pipe gallery building will invest 1 trillion yuan annually. Ministry of Finance had also issued a circular pointed out that the central government on underground pipeline gallery pilot cities to give special financial assistance, municipalities 500 million yuan each year, the capital city of 400 million yuan each year, 300 million yuan each year to other cities. To use a certain percentage of the PPP model, the base for these benefits will reward 10%. Development and Reform Commission had also issued a "Urban Pipe Gallery building special bonds issued guidance," and proposed to encourage all types of enterprises to issue corporate bonds, special bonds project revenue bonds, renewable bonds to raise funds for the construction of urban underground utility tunnel. City Investment class enterprise release of Urban Underground Pipe Gallery building special bonds from issuers specification limits.
10. "number of provisions on the promotion of building a unified and open market" release
September 21, "a number of provisions on the promotion of building a unified and open market," the official release. Third Plenary Session of the Party's eighteen proposed "building a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system", "the State Council on the promotion of fair competition in the market to maintain the normal market order" requires "regional blockades, breaking the monopoly."
"A number of provisions on the promotion of building a unified and open market" to define the maintenance of fair competition, market barriers around clear demands. Promote building a unified and open market, on the one hand to solve the artificial market segmentation, setting unreasonable conditions for exclusion of foreign enterprises and other issues; the other hand, to effectively create a favorable market environment, to ensure the free flow of outstanding enterprises, to play a leading role in the development of the construction industry.
To this end, the "rule" from two aspects clear regulatory principles around: First, enterprises registered seat authorities to strengthen policy support, to create a favorable strength, reputable construction companies to carry out inter-provincial business environment as well. The second is a foreign country to local construction companies and construction companies the same treatment, the implementation of a unified market regulation, maintaining fair competition in the construction market. At the same time, a strong majority of enterprises to solve the problem of market barriers reflected in the "inter-provincial construction companies on doing business contract supervision and management notice" basis, "require" further defined the specific housing and urban construction departments at all levels in the building inter-provincial business enterprise contract supervision and administration of the prohibited acts.
11. Notice of the Ministry of Housing construction enterprise qualification management issues related to
October 9, 2015 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban: Notice of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction construction enterprise qualification management issues, to build the city [2015] No. 154. Text as follows:
Market allocation of resources into full play the decisive role, further decentralization, promoting the development of the construction industry.
I. Cancel "premium quality construction general contracting business standards" (built the city [2007] No. 72) concerning national labor law, patents, national scientific and technological progress awards, construction of national or industry standards assessment index requirements. For the application of premium quality construction general contracting business, no longer assess these indicators.
Second, Cancel "Construction Enterprise Qualification Standards" (built in the city of [2014] No. 159) of the total construction general contracting a qualified enterprises can undertake a single contract to limit the amount of more than 30 million construction project. Cancel "Construction Enterprise Qualification Standards and qualification regulations" (built in the city of [2015] No. 20) premium quality corporate limits bear limit construction contract amount of more than 60 million individual construction projects and "premium quality construction general contracting business standards" (to build the city [2007] No. 72) premium quality corporate limits bear the construction contract amount of more than 30 million single limit of Housing project.
Third, the "construction enterprise qualification standard" (built in the city of [2014] No. 159) in the steel structure engineering contractor qualification contracted projects range revised as follows: to undertake the construction of various types of steel structure work.
Fourth, the "construction enterprise qualification regulations and qualification standards Opinions" (built in the city of [2015] No. 20) qualifications prescribed renewal adjusted to simple replacement, qualifications authorities canceled the license of the enterprise assets, key personnel, technical equipment index assessment, companies according to "construction enterprise qualification regulations" examination and approval authority (Ministry of housing and Urban construction order No. 22) and the corresponding renewal determined category and grade requirements to build a city document [2015] No. 20 prescribed holders Older construction qualification certificate of qualification to the new licensing organ directly apply for renewal construction enterprise qualification certificate (specific requirements for renewal notice). The transitional period will be adjusted to 30 June 2016, from July 1, 2016, legacy construction enterprise qualification certificate invalid.
V. Cancellation Article 28 "enterprise application upgrade qualifications (including premium-level rise), qualified by item" construction enterprise qualification regulations implementing standards and qualifications opinions "(built in the city of [2015] No. 20), the qualification of license authority to deal with all of its existing assets and key personnel construction enterprise qualification requirements meet the standard requirements for inspection "requirement; abolish Article 42 on" professional contractors qualified enterprises can select up to five categories of replacement, more than other professional contractor qualifications five categories according to qualification requirement by applying "requirement.
Sixth, the subcontractor (except scaffolding and templates work subcontracted work subcontracted) Qualification temporarily replacement.
Localities to conscientiously organize construction enterprise qualification of the replacement work, strengthening a matter of ex post regulation, to obtain timely construction enterprise qualification of the businesses in the region meets the qualification standard conditions for dynamic verification.
12. The Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban renewal notice about the new construction enterprise qualification certificate
October 9, 2015 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban: Housing and Urban Construction Ministry Circular on the renewal of the new construction enterprise qualification certificate, to establish and operate municipal letter [2015] No. 870. According to "Housing and Urban Construction Ministry of Construction Enterprise Qualifications management issues related to notice" (built the city [2015] No. 154) requirements, as do the new construction enterprise qualification certificate renewal work. Text as follows:
First, the replacement range
(A) housing and urban construction departments at all levels according to the original "construction enterprise qualification grading standards" (Jian Jian [2001] No. 82, hereinafter referred to as the original standard) issued Older construction enterprise qualification certificate (scaffolding work subcontracted jobs and templates qualification subcontracting subcontractor other than temporarily replacement).
(B) in accordance with the Construction Ministry "general construction contracting premium quality standards" (built in the city of [2007] No. 72) issued by the general contracting premium quality certificates as well as engineering design qualification certificates issued at the same time.
Second, the replacement program
(A) the approval of the Ministry of Construction Enterprise Qualifications replacement program.
Application for renewal of the enterprise by the Ministry of Housing to download and install the website "business intelligence applications received information reporting software" fill in "construction enterprise qualification renewal application form" and "construction enterprise qualification application reception information collection form", print "Application Form" and "collection form" and official seal, press the "construction enterprise qualification regulations" (housing and Urban Ministry of construction order No. 22) Article XII of the management authority, were reported registered seat provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities ) housing and urban construction department, the State-owned assets management department under the direct supervision of the construction enterprises, the Ministry of construction and barracks of the General Logistics Engineering Authority (hereinafter referred to as provincial administrations). List of State-owned assets management department under the direct supervision of the construction enterprises should be wholly or absolute control of the enterprise and the articles of association, the General Logistics Department barracks infrastructure projects of the Authority should list their affiliations in October 30, 2015, I reported the Ministry of construction market supervision Department.
The provincial administrations batch fill in the "construction enterprise qualification replacement Summary Table" (see annex), with a summary table of all enterprises "Application Form", "collection table", a copy of the older construction quality certificate (including construction general contracting premium quality certificate, engineering design qualification certificate copy of a copy) a report to the Ministry of administrative examination and approval on the admissibility office. For the "Application Form", "collection table" and the integrity of the national market surveillance and information platform for building information does not match the qualifications of enterprises, the Ministry renewal application inadmissible.
I accept the Department of Enterprise renewal application 20 days later, the provincial authorities to my unit can focus on the admissibility of administrative examination and approval of the new corporate office to receive a unified construction enterprise qualification certificate (required to submit engineering design qualification certificate copy of a copy of the premium quality enterprises, consistent with the new renewal validity engineering construction enterprise qualification certificate qualification certificate), valid for 5 years (to obtain the qualification certificate valid for 1 year legacy, the new version with the original qualification certificate is valid for the same validity period). The provincial administrations issued after the new construction enterprise qualification certificate, enterprises should recover all of the original qualification certificate, and destroyed in accordance with law.
From June 30, 2016, the Department stopped accepting application for renewal business.
My Department will publish a list of the new qualification certificate renewal has been a regular business.
(Ii) the provincial housing and urban construction department, the city housing and urban construction department in charge of districts licensed construction enterprise qualification, the relevant specific implementing its program of work qualification certificate renewal notice may refer to this formulation.
Third, the relevant requirements
Enterprises should be in accordance with the "Application Form" required content accurately reported the renewal application, the legal representative should be on the "Application Form" signed commitments responsible for the authenticity of the application materials. The existence of fraud and other illegal activities of the enterprise, the renewal will not be in accordance with relevant regulations and the law.
Original standard achieved qualification for the main items of the towering structures, telecommunications engineering, hydraulic structures foundation treatment, dikes, hydraulic dams, hydraulic tunnel, installation of thermal power equipment, furnaces, smelting and mechanical equipment installation, chemical oil pipeline installation, piping engineering contractor qualifications of enterprises, within one year after the enterprises to apply for the required simple replacement incorporated with the original qualification level corresponding categories of construction general contracting qualifications, qualifications authorities do not permit the assessment of their performance indicators.
Original standard achieved qualification for the main items of hydraulic tunnel engineering contractor qualified enterprises can apply for not more than the original qualification level tunnel engineering contractor qualification renewal.
Apply for qualification upgrade, additional items of business, licensing authority shall, after qualification for the new renewal construction enterprise qualification, then "construction enterprise qualification standard" (to build the city [2014] No. 159) approved its application for qualification. An enterprise restructuring, merger, division and other circumstances, may, upon renewal of the new certificate of qualification to apply for the change.
After the renewal premium quality enterprise application, and still use the original "the opinions construction enterprise qualification regulations" (built in the city of [2007] No. 241) in the "construction enterprise qualification application form." Among them, the "preliminary department review comments (general contracting premium business)" in the national labor law, patents, national scientific and technological progress awards, construction of national or industry standards assessment index entries do not need to fill in the preliminary examination opinions.
The new business qualification certificate should use the new construction certificate printing enterprise management information system for printing. Use development certificate and a certification system on their own provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall be in accordance with the data portion of the new construction project I Certificate print management information systems to exchange interface standard, and our department information system data docking, immediately to the Ministry information system information update.
Source: China Network mortar

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