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"jiangshan" The new wave of green building materials boost

發(fā)布時間:2015-09-01   點擊率:2113

  Vigorously advocate of green building in the region on the occasion, located in Changzhou City Yokoyama Town Jiangshan New Building Materials Co. Tazhun beat, ready to flex its muscles in the new wall materials industry. "This will be a revolution in wall materials." August 28, chairman of the country is Hung Steel said in an interview, the company's production of "autoclaved aerated concrete building materials," the prospect of confidence. According to reports, this new wall materials, in addition to the insulation, fire protection, impermeability, sound insulation, strength outstanding performance, cost per square meter can also save about 100 yuan.

  As the first standardized Changzhou autoclaved aerated concrete building materials production enterprises, Jiangshan company saw this new wall materials market prospects and social benefits, in the last year to introduce advanced foreign technology, and built a high-quality sand aerated concrete blocks, plates and profiles production lines, monomer production capacity has been done first in the country. Its products in addition to obtaining new wall material products that certificate province, also listed as Jiangsu Province Construction projects to promote scientific and technological achievements.

  It is understood that the insulation effect of this new material is 12 times that of ordinary concrete. With 200 mm light sand aerated concrete block external wall, the insulation material can not increase aid to meet the thermal insulation requirements; the material is ideal fire protection materials, fire resistance of wall thickness up to 100 mm more than 4 hours; As the material inside the pores are independent closed pores, can effectively prevent moisture diffusion within the block, impermeability to 85% higher than the clay brick wall; at the same time, the strength of the material is also much larger than the common wall materials.

  So excellent performance, why the cost of construction of such a huge advantage there? Is Hung Steel explained that, since the material itself is lighter, the weight can be reduced by 25% of the building, thus can save 18% of concrete, steel 15%, while using mortar, leveling paint on both savings. Because the material precise size, but also significantly speed up the construction progress, shorten the construction period. Compared to the fly ash blocks, using the sand filling block building interior can save 35 yuan per square meter, building facades can save 55-65 yuan, total cost savings of about 100 yuan.

  "In other countries, aerated concrete has been 90 years of history, is a mature building materials, but has not been widely used in China. We have received a number of Chang Wu developers, builders orders, especially large-scale government construction projects, resettlement housing projects have used our production of wall materials. At present, the company has 450,000 cubic meters of orders. "Hung Steel told reporters.

Source: Wujin Daily

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