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External wall insulation works construction practices and Construction Introduction

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2012-05-08   點(diǎn)擊率:2219

Wall insulation technology according to project sites can be divided into exterior insulation, interior and exterior wall insulation insulation sandwich three categories. Depending on the external wall insulation technology insulation materials used, can be divided into two types of board insulation insulation and painting classes.
        Construction practices and construction Introduction
    (1), paste polystyrene board thin plaster exterior insulation system
    The systems approach: the flame retardant molded (extruded) polystyrene foam board (abbreviation: polystyrene board, EPs, xPs) affixed to the outer surface of the walls, then the polystyrene board surface of the thin surface layer of Mama Hang cracking mortar, while laying reinforcing mesh, then a finish layer. Polystyrene board and join the wall of the base surface has cooked knot and cut the anchor combination of two ways.
    (2), polystyrene board situ concrete exterior insulation system
    The systems approach: the use of the inner surface of the tooth with a convex cross-type polystyrene board (EPs, xPs), as concrete exterior wall insulation materials; polystyrene board and external surface coating interface agent, attached to the outside wall reinforced with nylon anchor is polyphenylene grid and wall steel banding, both inside and outside the installation template, pouring concrete wall after emphasize and form removal, concrete wall polystyrene board with links to one, in the Poly stupid plate surface of the thin surface cracking Mama mortar, while being laid fiber mesh, do finish layer.

    (3) wire net - Polystyrene situ concrete exterior insulation system
    The systems approach: the use of a trapezoidal groove and the outer surface of the wire with a slant-sided steel mesh polystyrene board (EPs, xPs), in the inner and outer surfaces of polystyrene board and wire shelves spray Xu interface agent, will take grid polystyrene board mounted on the outside training bodies reinforced polyphenylene plate was inserted into the L-46 anti-rust treated steel or nylon anchors and steel banding and field body, both inside and outside the installation template, poured concrete wall and split After molding, have net - Polystyrene and concrete wall unites into one, in there wiping thick net - Polystyrene surface mixed cement mortar cracking agent, do the finish layer.

   (4), powder polystyrene particles exterior insulation system insulation slurry
    The systems approach; the powder particles of polystyrene insulation slurry directly put on the outer surface of the external walls cracking mortar and thin Mama. While laying reinforcing mesh, then a finish layer.
    (5), within the powder particles of polystyrene insulation slurry wall insulation system
    The systems approach: the powder particles of polystyrene insulation slurry directly wipe moisture on the inner surface of the outer, to meet the design requirements of the thick add a touch of cement cracking mortar, pressure on people and alkali coated fiberglass mesh. Surface wiping cracking flexible putty.
Source: Exterior security Wimbledon (reproduced please keep): http: //www.waibaowen.cn/news/show-3644.html

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