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Dry mortar industry is closely related to the development and construction

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2015-09-01   點(diǎn)擊率:1845

  Dry mortar directly applied to a variety of construction projects, as a new building material, is closely related to its development and construction, the future development of the construction industry will have a direct impact on the development of dry mortar.

  Future construction industry Features

  Promote building energy efficiency is imperative. Today more and more nervous in the energy, building energy consumption accounts for the proportion of the country's total energy consumption increased by 27.6 percent to more than 33%, the promotion of energy-saving building Tianjin has become the focus of the next few years the construction industry development. EEB is to ease the energy shortage of contradictions, improve the people's living and working conditions, reduce environmental pollution and promote one of the most direct and cheapest measure sustainable economic development. In short, it is to be used more effectively in order to reduce the heat in the building material loss, energy conservation purposes.

  Powder mortar special mortar wall insulation systems, high bond strength, high flexibility, low water absorption characteristics, widely used in building insulation. The implementation of building energy efficiency targets, will effectively promote the rapid development of thermal insulation with mortar market.

  Continued growth in the total amount of the special building. With the development of urbanization in China to accelerate the construction and real estate, the existing building volume in China reached more than 400 million square meters. The next 15 years, the construction industry will continue to maintain a high growth rate.

As China entered the building a moderately prosperous society in the historical process, can be expected, the next 15 years, China's capital construction, technological innovation, real estate and other fixed assets investment will remain at a high level. By 2020, the city will reach 35 square meters per capita housing in rural areas will reach 40 square meters, totaling more than 200 one hundred million square meters of new residential, for the development of the construction industry provides a huge market space, but also for the dry-mix mortar industry development of a huge market base.

  Building quality in significantly improved. With the improvement of people's living standards, building quality requirements are also increasing. The application of dry mortar, can greatly improve the quality of the project. Due to the quality of raw materials affected by various construction personnel technical proficiency and cement, sand and other construction-site configuration of mortar, whether it is masonry mortar, plastering mortar, mortar or leveling the ground, there are often building plaster cracking mortar (Even the most traditional clay brick walls using cement mortar plastering cracks will appear large engineering quality] resulting in instability, strength meet the requirements, even when there occurs a case of poor quality, construction quality has become a common problem .

  On the other hand, countries in order to reduce the use of clay brick, and vigorously promote the new wall materials, due to the characteristics of this material make use of ordinary cement mortar has been unable to meet the needs of masonry plaster. The use of industrial dry mortar production, with the ratio of raw materials and strict control, preferably raw, accurate measurement, stir, can ensure the stability of the mortar quality and reliable. Improve building quality requirements, will lead to the transformation of the traditional mortar dry mortar direction. Dry mortar will be supported by national policy, has become the darling of the market.

Source: China Construction News

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